Accordingly, Amplar Health, to the fullest extent allowed by law, neither takes nor assumes any responsibility for the product or service provided. Individuals should rely on their own inquiries and seek any assurance or warranties directly from the provider of the service or product.
Amplar Health has a number of social media accounts, which may include Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube (collectively, our Pages). These House Rules apply to the use of our Pages.
All content on Amplar Health’s Pages is subject to the individual terms of use as prescribed by each social media channel. These may include:
We encourage you to express your opinions and have open discussions, but we do ask that you act respectfully and responsibly.
We do not agree with or endorse, nor are we responsible for any comments, information, opinions, images or other content posted by individual users of our Pages. Such information does not necessarily reflect the views of Amplar Health or its related entities, but rather those of the individuals who use our Pages. Amplar Health does not accept any responsibility or liability (either direct or indirect) for any loss or damage arising in connection with the use of (or reliance on) any information, links or other content posted on our Pages by individuals.
Amplar Health may remove content at any time without notice when it contains:
We’ll review all content posted (including links) and remove if we think they’re inappropriate.
We want to share our health services information with as many people as possible and our policy is to accept the majority of comments posted. However, repeated violations of our House Rules may cause the user to be blocked from one or more of our Pages.
While we want to be as helpful as we can, questions or issues related to specific Amplar Health services, should not be submitted via our Pages. Instead, please call us or visit us at
We’re happy for you to share and comment on our content, provided that you don’t alter it and that you cite us as the source. The design of our Pages and content that we post are the copyright of Amplar Health and our rights are reserved.
Whilst social media is 24/7, currently we’re not able to monitor our Pages around the clock. Because we may not be aware of inappropriate content straight away, we encourage users to ignore inappropriate or negative comments and respond politely. We also hope that you’ll tell us about any concerns via the email address below.
Please note that the information provided is general information only and not a substitute for professional health advice, diagnosis or treatment. None of MHS or its related entities guarantee the accuracy of any of the information, representations or advice displayed. To the extent permitted by law, none of MHS or its related entities accepts any responsibility for any loss, injury or inconvenience sustained by readers of this Site as a result of or in connection with the information contained on this Site (whether by way of negligence or otherwise).
If you have any questions or comments, please email us
Need special assistance?
Below are some of the resources available to you if you need a little extra help accessing our services or any other information you need.
For more information, please get in touch.