Prevention and health management

Prevention and health management

Through our CareComplete programs, we help people manage their conditions via care coordination and one-on-one health coaching, which may help improve their health generally.

What is CareComplete?

CareComplete is the suite of programs, comprising of CareFirst and CarePoint, delivered by Amplar Preventative Health (a business of Integrated Care Services Pty Ltd (ACN 059 950 695)). The programs provide individuals with, or at risk of, complex and chronic health conditions or injuries, the support and information they need to navigate the health system and manage their health, where clinically appropriate.

We focus on prevention

By focusing on prevention and helping people to manage their health, our CareComplete programs support individuals to try and stay well which may help contribute to lower rates of preventable hospitalisations.

Our programs

Designed in consultation with participants, our programs take into account clinical suitability, personal goals and preferences for service delivery.

Care planning

Development and documentation of a care plan with clearly stated health and wellbeing goals to work towards through the program.

Care coordination

Regular engagement with the individual to ensure they are receiving and accessing the right supports aligned to their individual needs.

Health coaching

Provision of lifestyle and general wellbeing support and education as a holistic approach to work towards the goals set out in their care plan.

Additional support

Assistance to link in with other services and supports that may support health and well being, including regular liaison with participants’ doctor.

Chronic disease management

Delivery of programs aimed at assisting individuals manage conditions such as heart disease, chronic lung disease, osteoarthritis and diabetes.


Amplar Preventative Health’s program, CarePoint provides integrated and coordinated support to help individuals navigate the healthcare system. Tailored to individuals with complex health needs, this program is designed to help manage long term health conditions and help people remain as well as possible.

Through this program, individuals are assigned a dedicated care coordinator who will liaise with their doctor or other health care professionals, and where clinically appropriate, identify services based on their needs.


Amplar Preventative Health’s program, CareFirst is a health coaching program designed for individuals living with chronic heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, osteoarthritis, type 2 diabetes, or cardiovascular disease.

The program is delivered over the telephone or using a video platform and is designed to give individuals the confidence to manage their health.

This program includes a personalised care plan, condition specific information, health coaching and support to access additional services.

Partner with us

Our team is passionate about driving better health and are ready to meet the changing health needs of our community.