Contact us

Contact us

Our team is passionate about driving better health and are ready to meet the changing health needs of our community.

Refer to us

Refer your patients to Amplar Home Health for services such as hospital in the home, rehab in the home or Amplar Allied Health for in-home and in aged care services such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, podiatry, virtual dietetics and optometry services.


We welcome your valuable suggestions, complaints and /or compliments to help us continuously improve our services. You can provide a suggestion, complaint or compliment through a range of channels.

Amplar Allied Health

For enquires relating to Amplar Allied Health (formerly HealthStrong) phone 1300 660 086.

Amplar Home Health

For enquires relating to Amplar Home Health (formerly Home Support Services) phone 1800 854 300.

Amplar Preventative Health

For enquires relating to Amplar Preventative Health or the CareComplete suite of programs (CareFirst, CarePoint and CareTransition) phone 1300 729 684.

General enquiries

For general enquiries including new business and how we can co-create health solutions with you, please fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch.

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Amplar Health is aware that there are groups impersonating us for recruitment purposes, we have reported this to authorities. Any legitimate recruitment communication will come directly from either a “” or “” email address.

We recommend paying special attention to the names and spelling of sender domains. For more information on how to spot and avoid scams visit

Refer to us

Amplar Health can provide a range of health services, delivered by friendly and experienced health practitioners. Services are delivered by qualified practitioners.

Work with us

Amplar Health is part of the Medibank group. We provide opportunities to work in different locations and care settings. Medibank careers offer flexible working arrangements where appropriate and clear pathways for leadership and career progression.