

Personalised and practical nutrition advice delivered virtually by phone or video wherever you are located.

Dietitians provide information that could help you understand how your diet may be affecting your health and wellbeing. Through Amplar Allied Health, you can access personalised and practical nutrition advice delivered virtually.

How can our Dietitians help?

Amplar Allied Health’s Dietitians assess your dietary intake and provide recommendations for the nutritional management of many health conditions while aiming to take your needs, preferences and choices into consideration.

Working with an Accredited Practising Dietitian you may:

  • Have access to nutrition advice
  • Access nutrition education and support to manage a range of chronic diseases
  • Optimise health and recovery
  • Improve wound healing.





What areas do our Dietitians work in?

Our Accredited Practising Dietitians may assist individuals with a range of conditions, including the following:

  • Chronic health conditions including diabetes, heart disease, dementia, osteoporosis, and neurological disorders such as stroke and Parkinson’s disease
  • Malnutrition, loss of appetite and unplanned weight loss
  • Overweight/obesity and bariatric surgery nutrition
  • Gastrointestinal concerns including intolerances, constipation, diarrhea, reflux, diverticular disease and IBD/IBS
  • Rehabilitation/nutrition support- post surgery or post hospital admission
  • Texture modified diets and thickened fluids for individuals with swallowing difficulties
  • Advice regarding food fortification, nutrition supplements and enteral feeds
  • Advice regarding nutritional deficiencies – calcium, vitamin D, zinc, iron etc.

Refer to us

Amplar Allied Health can provide a suite of allied health services as part of a package of care for your clients. Treatments are delivered by qualified practitioners.

Learn more

Contact us if you want to speak to someone about our dietetics services.